10 Ways to Make Your Home More Sustainable

How can individuals make their homes more sustainable? Sustainable living is becoming easier, and more important than ever. There are plenty of ways to live “greener” and more sustainably, even without having to bike to work, give up your favorite foods, or live off the grid. There are so many benefits too; ranging from the unexpected […]

The Pros & Cons Of Custom Rehab Jobs

Offering custom finishes can promise premium results for real estate rehabbers, but what are the real pros and cons? We’ve entered into a new era of business and consumer expectation. We are also still in a tentative real estate market where some properties can sell at lighting speed for top dollar, while others rot on […]

Which Home Improvements Add The Most Value?

Throwing money at a property does not guarantee success. The reality is that finding the right updates, upgrades and improvements is not about money, but rather doing the right work for the market. Simply throwing money at a property and expecting a return will leave you frustrated and disappointed. Savvy investors know that not all updates are […]