Try to take a week to compare how lenders’ interest rates and points compare each day. Make yourself a little chart. Rates and points are constantly changing. The change might be as small as 1/8 percentage point a day but they are still always moving. At the end of the week you can see which […]
Author Archives: Best US Investment, LLC
What Is A Counteroffer?
If the seller does not jump at the offer you have made, expect to get a counteroffer back that is a bit different from what you have offered. The owner can either accept your offer as it stands, reject it outright or respond with a counteroffer that may change terms of the original offer. By […]
Planning and Maintaining Your Landscape
You can still have a great garden even if you are a plant novice. All it takes is some basic know-how and a willingness to plunge into some outdoor work. Looking at a beautiful garden from your window or door is a very rewarding experience. Such a garden can also yield fresh, delicious produce and […]
Ventilation and Mildew Prevention of the Bath
Mold and mildew can cause problems in the bathroom. The culprit is excess moisture so it is important to be able to direct moist air out of the room quickly. An open window is often an efficient way to circulate air in the bathroom. If there is no window or if a bathroom has a […]
Getting Your Credit Reports
The FTC or Federal Trade Commission requires each of the credit Bureaus Experian, Equifax and TransUnion to give consumers one free credit report per year for a total of three free reports each year. But you have to ask for them. You can get your free reports by going online to Don’t go directly […]
Choosing A Home Through Your Kids’ Perspective
You might not be alone when you hunt for a move-up house. If you have children who are at least old enough to talk, they are going to want a say in where you live. Even if they are destined to move out of the nest in a year or two, they want a say. […]
How Long Will It Take To Find Your Home
There is no set number of houses you should see before you decide. Visit as many as it takes to find the one you want. On average, home buyers see fifteen houses before choosing one. Just be sure to communicate often with your real estate agent or the seller depending on whom you’re working with […]
Bulbs For All Seasons
Bulbs, tubers, and corms can provide color in your garden almost all year round. Snowdrops, aconites, and tiny irises appear in late winter, followed in early spring by cheerful daffodils and narcissus, hyacinths and tulips in almost every color. In late spring, fritillaries, bluebells, lilies-of-the-valley, irises and alliums come. Summer brings lilies, and gladiolus. In […]
Going Agent-Free Completely
If you happen upon the FSBO home of your dreams and you have not signed on with a buyer’s agent, you have a more basic question to answer. Should you buy without any agents or should you rush to the nearest real estate office and sign up a buyer’s agent real quick? Well it actually […]
Happy Holidays!!!!
As we get ready to celebrate the holidays with family and friends, we want to wish you an amazing holiday season!!! We are looking forward to the new year! Happy Holidays!!!!!!! Facebook Share Linked In Share